Short and awesome.
I hate Commies, too. They were all monsters. Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, every last stinkin' one of them.
Short and awesome.
I hate Commies, too. They were all monsters. Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, every last stinkin' one of them.
I love stupid-dog cartoons! Sure, it was a tragedy, but at least he died with his dignity.
And his balls.
That was AWESOME!!!
Because it was funny.
Because it made me laugh.
So it will probably make you laugh.
Not funny
I turned it off after I saw the bear. You need to get better dialog.
Funny people make funny sounds in unfunny situation.
And it's funny.
'nuff said.
Not funny
Congrats on the frame rate, but the script wasn't funny.
At all.
no sense of humor :D
I didn't think he was going to answer the question. I still don't really know how to use what he gave me because:
A) They're both ass-ugly
B) Deborah Wilson would make a convincing Obama. Jimmy Fallon might do a good McCain if he lived in a hot-tub and got cancer, but it'd suck, because it's Jimmy Fallon.
C) Obama can probably bench more NOW, but he's such a lightweight that McCain could probably bench-press HIM!
Joined on 1/4/08