You ruined it.
The part where he orders his minions to execute eachother was really funny, but the "BALLS!" thing ruined it. It could have been good, but you just had to inject random phallic jokes into the script. Why in the hell would any of the minions have the guts to start blurting out obscenities to a guy blowing up cities with a button on his desk?
Don't you watch "Venture Brothers"? Only two henchmen would ever talk to The Monarch like that, and but they're invincible!
You need to get someone to review your script before you start working from them. Like the Aids thing in the first or second one. "Watch out for Aids! Yeah! Aids...uhm, yeah...ouch."
"Uhm"?? "Yeah"?! "OUCH"??!! That sounded awful!
Zero. I was embarrassed to watch it.